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Hydroseed Care

Congratulations on your new lawn! We appreciate your business.  Remember, after your lawn has been hydroseeded, your work has begun to make sure it becomes established and thrives!

Things to Remember

  • Hydroseed needs to be moist to germinate properly.

  • The dye will last 1-5 days, but will disappear over time.

  • Keep as much traffic off the lawn as possible for the first 6 weeks.

  • Fertilization can be started after 4 weeks.

  • With proper watering your lawn will:

    • Begin to show germination within 10-14 days. 

    • Be mowable within 5-8 weeks.

    • Be fully established around 6-9 months.

Watering Instructions

  • Your hydroseeded areas should be watered 3 times per day. Plan on 10-20 minutes per time. Ideal times are 8am, 12am and 4pm - but not after dark. 

  • Remember to factor in the weather in your watering plan. Rain vs sun, humid vs dry, hot vs cold, etc. The hotter the weather the more water and less in cooler weather.

  • The hydroseed needs to be moist to germinate properly. This does not mean that the soil needs to be constantly soaking wet.

  • Do not create puddles of water in your hydroseeded area. 

  • After 4-6 weeks you can begin to water at your discretion.

Frequently Asked Questions

QMy lawn is coming in better in some spots than others, is that normal?


A:  Yes this is normal and occurs due to different amounts of sun, shade, water, etc. Also The Perennial Rye will grow quicker, while the Kentucky Bluegrass can take up to a month to germinate.  At around 5 weeks as the lawn fills in, it is recommended to scratch up the thin areas and seed some of those areas by hand to help everything along. Use a mix of Kentucky Bluegrass and Perennial Rye for a good match. 




QDo I need to fertilize my new lawn? If so, when and what should I use?


A:  Yes after 4 weeks. The hydroseed that was sprayed has fertilizer in it. It is recommended to use a 19-19-19 fertilizer or “New Lawn/Starter Fertilizer.” You can always hire a fertilizer company as well.




QI see some weeds growing in my lawn, what do I do?


A:  Weeds are normal and ok. Typically introduced by wind, birds, etc. You could get a fertilizer that has weed control, but only once your lawn is mature. Do not apply any weed control for the first 10-12 weeks.




QWhen should I mow my lawn?


A:  We recommend waiting about 5 weeks. Please remember to mow when the lawn is dry, with a push mower, if possible. You might need to suspend water a bit to help the lawn dry out prior to the first mow. Consider using your highest blade setting. If your grass is really high do not mow more than â…“ the height of the grass off in one mowing. If it has overgrown, cut gradually with 2-3 days between to get the desired height of about 3 inches. Clippings should be left behind (not bagged), but do not leave clumps.

Want To Know More?  

Please note that every hydroseeded area is different and weather plays a big role in success.  These are friendly recommendations, Total Grounds is not responsible for suboptimal results due to variables beyond our control. Please contact our office if you have any specific questions about your project. We are happy to help!

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